Monday, 26 December 2011

Pepper Joins the Family

Last week I spotted a sign free rabbit and hutch. Well we'd been thinking of getting the kids a new pet. I stopped in and checked out the little fellow. His owners were moving and were unable to take him with them. He's 2 and has been spoilt, used to being handled and as friendly as anything.

I arranged to pick Pepper up on Friday. We went to the library and both kids read the books they picked up on how to look after rabbits. We picked Pepper up on Friday and the kids are over the moon about him.


Cuddles and pats

Yum, runner beans


Home. sweet, home

Finished exploring I'm tired

Just relaxing


  1. Beautiful photos of your rabbit :)

  2. Cute rabbit! I saw your blog on the dish and I love all the pictures. I have a cat named Pepper.
