Thursday, 4 August 2011

Spring is Coming

We've had unseasonably warm weather here the last week. Reminding me it is time to hurry up and get the first of the spring seeds in. So today was it.

I put some tatsoi, purple mustard, mitzuna, coloured silverbeet, radish and bok choy seeds straight in the garden. I've got my fingers crossed that the escape artist chooks don't get out and scratch them up.

Punnets of seeds
In the glasshouse-I planted Siberian tomatoes nice early tough bush ones with egg sized red fruit.
-Tomatoes we've dubbed Ed's Red that a friends FIL has been growing for years which grow to around 4' and have lots of big red tasty tomatoes for slicing and bottling.
-Three different capsicums a long sweet yellow one that eventually turns red. Mini Chocolate coloured ones and mini orange ones that were loaded even in the toughest years of our drought.
-Bristol Rock snapdragons, just because I love the cute stripes they have.
-My sons Striped parasol marigolds he loves.
-Asparagus seeds, Argenteuil.
-Broccoli, Calabrese sprouting
-Field carnations.

I'll put some more seeds in a couple of weeks different tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini.

Then later again things like cantaloupe, pumpkins and watermelon.

I'm happy with the chooks as since I last wrote I now have 4 out of the 6 girls laying. So it won't be long until I'm inundated with eggs and end up handing them out to anyone who visits.

Purple cabbage
My purple cabbages are starting to set hearts. Did you know you can use the colour out of them as a natural pH indicator. If you have kids let them try it sometime they can have lots of fun.

Broad beans
I've got broad beans and snow peas flowering we are looking forward to more  garden fresh vegetables.


These are my feral potatoes I throw all the potatoes that have turned green or started spouting in the corner under the plum tree. I can't get much to grow there later in the year as it gets too dry. However, I still usually manage to pick several buckets from these potatoes every year.

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